I-15 SR-20 South Beaver Project
Western Rock Products
Project Type
Asphalt Paving
South Beaver
General Contractor: Western Rock Products
Start Date: Spring 2023
Completion Date: October 2023
Subcontractors/Key contractors
- A-Core Concrete Cutting
- American Traffic Service
- Coughlin Company
- Forte Engineering
- Harmony Public Involvement
- IronRidge Land Surveying
- Mel Clark Construction
- ProTech Coating
- Rowser Construction
- Snow Canyon Construction
- Straight Stripe Painting
Materials and Quantities Used
- 71,557 Tons of SMA
Western Rock Products recently completed the I-15, SR 20 to South Beaver, UT project!
Work activities included placing over 71,000 tons of SMA asphalt on over 55 miles of roadway surface. This included resurfacing a northbound and southbound climbing lane. Other improvements included bridge deck repairs, and installing guardrails, roadway delineators, and signs. Lane striping and rumble strips were enhanced to ensure safety throughout the corridor.
In addition, crews prioritized safety by implementing a site-specific safety plan, observing daily toolbox meetings, and performing daily safety inspections overseen by the superintendent. The team partnered with UDOT to ensure the project stayed on schedule by resolving issues at the lowest levels and foreseeing upcoming changes to the project scope.
This project began in the Spring of 2023 and was completed in October 2023. We appreciate our hardworking teams who prioritize safety and are mindful of construction impacts. Congratulations on completing this important project in a timely and efficient manner.