Utah State Correctional Facility
Reynolds Excavation
Project Type
Ready Mix Concrete
South Wasatch Front
Owner: DFCM
General Contractor: LOJV
Materials Used on Project and Quantities:
- 900,000 Tons A1A Granular Borrow
- 300,000 Tons 1” Gravel
- 45,000 Cubic Yards Ready Mix Concrete
Earlier this year, Reynolds Excavation, Demolition, and Utilities completed work on the new Utah State Correctional Facility. Located in a remote wetland area west of Salt Lake City, this new 1.25 million square foot facility is the largest detention complex in Utah, sitting on nearly 200 acres of land. It is designed to house up to 3,600 inmates of all four classifications ranging from maximum security to the general population, with separate facilities for men and women.
Reynolds Excavation, Demolition, and Utilities was awarded all bid packages that pertained to the earthwork and utilities for this project. Work activities included installing a 2.1-mile haul road to access the remote site, raising 140 acres of the site 2 feet higher, surcharging the building pads, and grading to provide site drainage and landscape and hardscaping. In addition, the following quantities were used to install utilities:
- 17,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer lines
- 30,000 linear feet culinary water line
- 30,000 linear feet of fire line
- 50,000 linear feet of storm drain
- 32,000 linear feet of duct bank
- 28,000 linear feet of gas line
- 31,000 linear feet of condenser lines.
Due to the location, sensitivity to the environment, and the unique soil, the project team worked together to navigate the unconventional challenges that arose and problem-solved cost-effective solutions minimizing schedule impacts.
“The geotechnical and civil engineers determined that geosynthetic fabric had to be placed over the cleared native site prior to placing import due to the unique soil. However, the entire site surface needed to be free of all vegetative materials, with the root mater below grade fully intact and undisturbed. Reynolds developed a multi-step process to clear the vegetation while not disturbing or breaking the site surface, which to my knowledge, had never been done before this point, and likely cannot be easily duplicated. This type of collaboration was very typical of Reynolds during this nearly six-year project. This example of partnership is merely one of the many examples I could provide. It was truly my pleasure to work with Reynolds, and I am confident their willingness to invent and deliver solutions on this project is a key factor in the overall success of this flagship project.” – Shauna Deskins, Senior Project Manager, Okland Construction